NYC Walks
Assessing pedestrian impacts of future development in New York City
In an ongoing collaboration between MIT and NYC Departments of City Planning and Transportation, we are jointly producing a unique scenario planning tool that will allow cities to make evidence-driven investments for pedestrian infrastructure and public space in an equitable manner. LikeTraffic Impact Assessments that are required in development review processes in many cities (which often lead to financial contributions from developers towards traffic infrastructure and congestion alleviation), better digital tools for estimating development impacts on pedestrian activity could potentially also lead to new and more equitable requirements for Pedestrian Impact Assessments.
This project seeks to implement a first-of-its-kind planning support system that can help address questions such as these in New York City – How will a new residential tower affect pedestrian activity around it at different times of a day? Where should safe crossings be prioritized to reduce traffic fatalities? Which street improvements should be prioritized to ensure equitable access to public transport? Which pedestrian routes are critical to maintain to encourage safe walking to schools?